Preparing For Our Session
Your equine teammate will engage more readily in the session if the environment is calm and familiar. Getting yourself and your partner prepared before I arrive goes a long way toward a successful interaction.
Session location. I typically work in a stall large enough for your horse to turn comfortably and extend his or her hind legs without hitting the walls. The stall should be level, as many techniques will require steady 3-legged balance (if the horse is unsteady on three on a level surface, I learn something; if the unsteadiness is because the surface is unlevel, I learn nothing, and the session is more difficult. All grain and hay should be removed as eating interferes with the process. Plenty of fresh water is needed as horses often drink during sessions. Bedding should be adequate as urination and defecation are routine during sessions. Also, your horse may choose to roll mid-session, and nice bedding is so much more inviting than a wet mess. Please leave a shovel and bucket nearby as I will clean up during the session as needed. If a stall is not available, I can work in a shady round-pen as long as other owners or trainers are not expecting to use the space.
Feed before. Hunger is a distraction, as is having regular feeding time changed. We want your horse content, not anxious about missing a meal.
A cool horse is a good Masterson client. Please do not work your horse before the session unless it has a few hours to cool down before we meet. After the session, turnout is ideal, but if that’s not possible, please plan on hand-walking for fifteen minutes. The horse should not be ridden for 24 hours after the session while the body processes nervous system stimulation and a flood of endorphins.
Quiet invites engagement. Please arrange the session during your barn’s down-time to minimize distractions.
The halter is important. Your horse will need a flat nylon or leather halter that is large enough to allow for a full yawn, and that can be moved around in the poll area so that I can reach the necessary joints and muscles. I’ll also need a 6’ lead line. Rope halters cannot be used.
You can be there. You are welcome to watch the session, take pictures (no video), and make notes of questions or observations to discuss later. During the session, however, you won’t be touching or talking with your horse at all. You may want have a chair outside the stall. I’ll need his or her full attention, and I will be in total, quiet, concentration throughout the session.
If you cannot be there, I’ll need to meet whoever is on-site with responsibility for your horse just in case something comes up. And of course, we will have our interview by phone or Zoom before the session. You can leave me a check, or Venmo when I text you that we are finished.
One treatment per day. A Masterson Method® session should be your horse’s only activity that day, e.g., no farrier, dentist, vet, or other equine professionals on our day.
Cleanliness helps! I’ll have my hands everywhere (literally), so please clean hooves and do a light once-over before my arrival, if possible. I’ll be working under the tail a good bit and would so appreciate it if anything stuck or dried has been wiped clean.
Costs: The 1.5 to 2 hour session cost is $100. Payment by check (preferred) or Venmo when the session is completed, please. Cancellation policy is 24 hours before start time at no charge; full charge within 24 hours absent emergencies. If you have more than one horse to be scheduled the same day, session cost is $90 per horse. No travel charge within 30 minutes of my home. Beyond that distance, we’ll make an adjustment to cover travel time and costs.